Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne:How Tos

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                                >>Installing Bots<<
                               ::BASIC INSTALLATION::

                     Installing Metamod Bots With Any Warcraft Mod:

To use a bot with that is supported with metamod, you should install the Bot first (if it uses an installer file because will overwrite liblist.gam ). If it doesnt use an installer file and just comes with files and folders...then install the Bot after installing a Warcraft MOD.

After putting the files in the correct locations you will need to set up metamod so that it will load the bot's dll when you start the server. To do this, open up metamod's plugin.ini, located in <MOD>/addons/metamod/ and add the bots location and dll file to one of the lines. For the example, I am using PodBot...change the name of the dll according to the bot you uses dll.

Should look something like this now in the plugins.ini:

Before installing Warcraft MOD

win32 addons/podbot/podbot_mm.dll

After installing Warcraft MOD with Amx:

win32 addons/amx/dlls/amx_mm.dll
linux addons/amx/dlls/amx_mm_i686.so
win32 addons/podbot/podbot_mm.dll

After installing Warcraft MOD with Amxx

win32 addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm.dll
linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
win32 addons/podbot/podbot_mm.dll

This is an example with PODbot. Make sure the folder "addons/podbot/", in this example, contains the dll for the bot, podbot_mm.dll.

               Installing Non-Metamod Bots With Any Warcraft Mod:

To use a bot (or other server mod) with Metamod that is not designed as a Metamod plugin, you should first install the bot program. The bot's installation will change the liblist.gam file in your mod's directory. That is why you should install the bots before you install a Warcraft MOD (Amx/Amxx), as the bot installation would overwrite the changes made by either installations otherwise. (If you already have Amx/Amxx with a Warcraft MOD installed and dont want to re-setup everything, goto Already Have A Warcraft MOD Installed?

Next, install your prefered Warcraft MOD (Amx/Amxx). A Warcraft MOD installation will alter your liblist.gam file by exchanging the bot's "gamedll" line with a new one that points to the metamod.dll file. Now your server will run with the Warcraft Mod when you start it.

>>Would highly recommend you try starting your server to see if the Warcraft MOD works so can help troubleshoot problems later if you find any... before you continue.<<

But since the bots' DLL file is no longer specified to run (because it is no longer listed in the liblist.gam file), your bots don't load. Never fear - there's one more thing you need to do.

To get the bots working, you will need to create a config.ini in <MOD>/addons/metamod.

For Linux-based servers:

  gamedll addons/podbot/dlls/Pod_bot.so

For Windows-based servers:

   gamedll addons/podbot/dlls/pod_bot.dll

Note that you must use forward slashes in this command line section -- Back-slashes will not work!

This is an example for podbot. Consult the documentation provided with your bot software for more information about the correct location of your bot.dll or .so.

                      Already Have A Warcraft MOD Installed?

Alright, so you already have a Warcraft MOD installed and set up perfectly, and the thought of overwriting all your files and having to modify and tweak it all over again sounds horribly evil.. well here is how to install a BOT with a Warcraft MOD already installed.

First, extract the bots folder anywhere (preferably on your desktop). Next, drag and drop it to where it needs to be (according to the instructions of installing the bot; normally it's either in cstrike/dod folder or the "addons" folder). >>MAKE SURE IT DOESNT OVERWRITE ANYTHING<< Hence why keep it in its folder.

Next, need to set up your game dll so that it will load the bots dll when you start the game. You will need to create a config.ini in <MOD>/addons/metamod folder. Then add the correct line to it:

For Linux-based servers:

   gamedll addons/podbot/dlls/Pod_bot.so

For Windows-based servers:

   gamedll addons/podbot/dlls/pod_bot.dll

Note that you must use forward slashes in this command line section -- Back-slashes will not work!

This is an example for podbot. Consult the documentation provided with your bot software for more information about the correct location of your bot.dll or bot.so.

                                     You're DONE!

When you start your server, you should now have the Warcraft MOD running together with the bots. If you have problems after having followed all these instructions, head on over to the Wc3Mods Forums and let us know.

P.S. Make sure you have waypoints for the maps you have else the bots wont do much of anything. You can dl waypoints from the main sites that the bots are from... normally. Also check back there often to make sure yours are up-to-date.